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Showing posts with the label collages

Exactly, More or Less

  Exactly, More or Less - collage by douglas brent smith, 30 November 1991 she looked at me as if i knew what i was doing but she knew that i didn't and was not having  any of it making it all sideways slipped and slipping so i did my best to get her attention only achieving disapproval.

Downstream Corporation

  Downstream Corporation - collage by douglas brent smith, 30 August 1991. The board of directors is not in the mood for slacking. The stream must keep flowing and the product must roll. There is money to be made, but wait! That pause for fun has already begun. For most of my life, collages all came together in one day. They could take hours, but I would seldom stop working on one until it was done. Usually the radio would be playing endlessly in the background -- WMMR when I lived in NJ or PA, WXRT when I lived in Chicago. For this collage, it was WXRT all the way. - dbS - 

You Can Be Positive

  You Can Be Positive - collage by douglas brent smith.

Worldview Built In a Day

  Worldview Built In a Day - collage by douglas brent smith, 3 January 1988

One Spirit One Energy One World

  One Spirit One Energy One World - collage by douglas brent smith, 16 November 1991

Falling Piano

  Falling Piano - collage by douglas brent smith, 01 June 1989. Below is the same collage but with a slightly different color saturation. I don't know which one I prefer, so I saved both versions. What do you think -- A (the one above) or B (the one below)? When I was a kid there were several old comedy movies that featured a piano falling from the window. And, didn't John Cage compose a piece of music that involved a falling piano? It must make a large noise followed by a big pile of wood and strings. Fortunately, life is not as riddled with falling pianos as it once seemed.   -  dbS  - 

The Deal

  The Deal - collage by douglas brent smith, 21 November 1988. "What's the deal?" "You tell me." "Is he selling that giant bowl? "What if it's not a bowl?" "I think that it's a bowl." "Why would he be selling it? Unless it's more than a bowl." "Do we know for sure that he's selling it?" "No." "Then what's the deal?" Sometimes I strain to understand something and fail. It doesn't make me strop trying to understand it, I just don't get anywhere. What's the deal with that? Other times, things are so elegantly simple that I understand them right away. Or, at least think that I do.  How do we know for sure? -- dbS  - 

Not Much Room For Guests

  Not Much Room For Guests - collage by douglas brent smith, 29 May 1989 "Why don't you make bigger works of art?" " Do mean, by size?" "Yes. Yours all seem to fit in a notebook." "That's the point. Large is hard to store, and I've moved around so much -- proof of the difficulty is that the larger works of art I did do have disappeared." "Gone?" "Yep. Some mysteriously, and some in a brutal purge after my last move." "After your move? So you paid to have them move and then got rid of them?" "Yes. I didn't even take pictures of them. They no longer pleased me. They no longer represented me. They were mostly paintings from my first stay in Chicago. They were fun to make. I remember episodes of The Match Game playing in the background and soap operas -- or listening to WXRT on my humble stereo. I really should have had a job, but instead, painted. I really should have made collages -- and sometimes

Horizontal Hold

  Horizontal Hold - collage by douglas brent smith 29 May 1989

Dreaming of Mineral Wealth

 Dreaming of Mineral Wealth - collage by douglas brent smith, 21 November 1988.

A Little Cottage By The Lake

A Little Cottage By The Lake - collage by douglas brent smith, 21 November 1988. How do you like to spend your birthday? Apparently, I like to spend some of my birthday making collages! I've done several collages on my birthdays and this is one of my favorite. Dancers are wonderful additions to any visual composition. The balance, the focus, the motion all add a dynamic that is distinctive and pure. I'm not a great dancer (although I used to think I was, I later discovered that it was my partner who was making me feel like a great dancer. When my partner moved on my dancing confidence dropped. Fortunately, I held onto my collage steps...) - dbS - 

Make Waves

 Make Waves - collage by douglas brent smith, 19890601 Oddities Unexplained: This collage, created June 1, 1989, appears on page 249 (with the back-side of the page simply the title) of journal #25. Communication, and the following poem, "Waves" was written on June 30, 1990 (more than a year later) and appears on page 251 of the same journal. I think how something like that happens is that there was a time when I created collages in my journals deep within the pages, long before the journal writing caught up. Plus, this particular journal took longer than usual to write. Does it matter? Not much. But, there you have it. Here's the poem: Waves everything on the surface develops a skin of its own unexamined, unrevealed, unkissed by the sun and then something falls with the  unrelenting force of gravity and breaks that surface bearing a new moment which  makes waves ohmyohmyohmyohmyohmy holycowholycowholycowholycow... but then the waves dissipate and the skin of the surface

How Was Your Vacation?

  How Was Your Vacation? - collage by douglas brent smith, 29 May 1989.  Did you go to exotic locales? How was the weather? My dad went 19 years in a row (and maybe more) without ever taking a vacation. Instead, he used the money from continuing to work to support the family. You probably experienced some sacrifices in your family, too. Are you grateful for the things that those who came before you did for you and yours? It's so easy to forget big things we should be grateful for. Let's give thanks for them now. Oh, and would you like to go on vacation in the location of this collage? - dbS - 

Check Your Pockets for the Key

  Check Your Pockets for the Key - collage by douglas brent smith, 21 November 1988, paper, magazine pictures, glue.

The Scientific Method

 The Scientific Method - collage by douglas brent smith Magazine pictures, paper, and glue. Carefully they view the evidence. It is only in this moment that any of this comes together. The placement is precise, the conclusions uncertain. "Do you see what I see?" "I do not know what you see." "You are looking right at it." 'I see my view, you see yours." "What is she doing?" "Examining the evidence. She's using the scientific method." "How do you know?" "I read her log." - dbS -

What The Cats Discovered

  What The Cats Discovered - digital collage by douglas brent smith, 2 March 2024 With glue and paper, once you've set the glue you either live with it, tear it off, or paste something over it. That makes the work exacting and a bit risky. With a digital collage, such as this one, you can change your mind and simply iterate. That's fun, too. There could be an endless series of versions of the same picture that is not the same picture.  I don't necessarily want that, but I wasn't sure I was satisfied with the first version (above) so here are some alternatives. The What the Cats Discovered Remix, or More of What The Cats Discovered: More of What The Cats Discovered (Outside Remix) - douglas brent smith 2 March 2024 ore of What The Cats Discovered, Inside Remix, douglas brent smith 2 March 2024 What one do you like the best?  I promise that I will NOT do this with every collage. Tonight, it was fun.

Worldview Built In A Day With Fire

  Worldview Built In A Day With Fire - collage by douglas brent smith, 3 January 1988 Something about this collage causes me to page quickly past it, yet if I spend more time absorbed in it there is more to see. I pondered cropping it. I cut out dozens of pieces of pictures that could go in with it, but found it hard to obscure the central image. Worldview? Examination? Built in a day?  The hints of mixed media with the pen lines were attempts to draw it all together. Did it work?

Time For Another Episode...

  "Time For Another Episode...Dream Collage 87" collage by douglas brent smith, 26 December 1987 It feels like winter has always been my most productive collage season. It started in college when I'd use much of my semester break drinking Dr. Pepper, eating hot dogs and baked beans, and making collages. The Dr. Pepper was yummy but destroyed one of my teeth and nearly destroyed them all. Switching to black coffee (oh, and brushing my teeth!) came to the rescue. I'm not sure why this collage has such a long title. I don't think there are 86 other "dream collages" sequenced in the catalogue. Clearly, it refers to the year in some amusing way. Here we see the casual disregard of an ominously dangerous insect-like critter -- headed for havoc. So often though, we can be oddly calm just before all trouble breaks loose. The gentleman in the lower left corner has an answer for you on the line, if you're willing to reverse the charges. - dbS -

The Eyes Have It

  Do you think that artists have their own personal favorites among the works that they create? While they are all our "babies" (not really, but there's the expression...) and we are usually pleased with the finished product, some sit better than others. I like this collage. I've used it in many contexts as a featured illustration because it makes me smile. Growing up, I remember when TV stations would leave the air at night and the last thing on the screen would be a test pattern. Sometimes it had (for some reason) a picture of a Native American in the pattern, and sometimes it didn't. This was, of course, before color TV.  I call this "The Eyes Have It". There may be other versions of it (maybe with more eyes) and there may not be. Things get lost, things get (gasp!) destroyed.  I hope you like it. I sure do. The Eyes Have It - collage by douglas brent smith, paper, magazine images, Elmer's Glue, 22 February 1988.

A Full Moon Wasn't The Half of It

  A Full Moon Wasn't The Half of It -- collage by douglas brent smith, 1986