any other night flecked with flashes small surprises notes bouncing: balloons circus light swoons balloons off the wall pop pop squeak and pop balls (mostly red) sticking to you companions in your dance floating into the hundred watt bulb and bursting pop! pieces fall at your feet flightless balloons. --------- NOTES: Andy Laties and his sister, during his Child's Play days My friend Andy Laties, author, bookseller, and musician extraordinaire, when he performed with me in Child's Play had an interesting practice of carrying black balloons in his pocket. He said that they were weather balloons because black is easier to see in the sky. Andy carried these balloons and would randomly offer one to someone he'd just met. He'd pull it from his pocket, inflate it fast (a wind-instrument musician he has excellent breath control) and hand it to the stranger who would now be his friend. No conditions and no expectations, just a free black balloon. Charming. That has nothing t