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Showing posts with the label sketches

You Know When It's Cool

  You Know When It's Cool - sketch by douglas brent smith Notes: This is a sketch from one of my journals and as you can tell by the TV, an old one. 

Blowing In His Hair

  Blowing In His Hair - sketch by douglas brent smith

How to Create a 3D Picture In Your Head

  How to Create a 3D Picture In Your Head -- collage by douglas brent smith or, go with the alternate title if you like, something about a dream and little Mexico. We're here on this plane creating our little hearts out, in this case sometime in or near 1995.  "Draw a picture." "Why?" "I'd love to see it."

Strong and Sensitive

  Strong and Sensitive -- collage by douglas brent smith (cropped version) Strong and Sensitive -- collage by douglas brent smith (original, full page version)

Behind the Secret Door

 Behind the Secret Door (#2) Behind the Secret Door (#1) Notes: I think (hope) that #2 (the one above) is an improvement over #1 (which is the exact same picture except that in #2 I added some lines, drew over a few more, and shaded one area. 

Busy Table

  Busy Table -- sketch / mixed media by douglas brent smith   

Dreaming of the Divine Machine

 Dreaming of the Divine Machine - sketch by douglas brent smith

You Know When It's Cool

 You Know When It's Cool -- sketch by douglas brent smith, 24 August 1983

Random 1992 Sketches

  Random 1992 Sketches -- douglas brent smith

Lamp, 1992

  Lamp, sketch by douglas brent smith, mixed media, 1992 This is a drawing of an actual lamp. I don't remember where the lamp lived -- maybe in our house on 39th Place -- that seems logical. It appears in journal #27 Repercussions .

You Can Be...

  You Can Be... - sketch by douglas brent smith Where do you stand? What do you demand?  Who do you declare yourself to be? 

Truth and Bull

  Truth and Bull - sketch by douglas brent smith, 1989. Have you ever felt completely upside-down?  "How do I know that you're telling the truth." "Because I always tell the truth." "Well, I know that's not true." "How do you know?" "Because it can't be true. How do I know that anything you say is true if I can't trust what you just said." "Because I am 100% truthful." "That's bull." "Or is it?" Feeling upside down, the conversation ended. Were they any closer to the truth? Likely, not. - dbS -  Here's another version of the image with more saturation, allowing you to see some of what is on the back of the page, and adding more color:

Levitating a Small Guitar

  Levitating a Small Guitar - sketch by douglas brent smith (probably 1991). "Do you think that he could levitate a large guitar, that is to say, a normal sized guitar as well?" "No doubt. It might take some practice, though." "Does it come naturally?" "It comes with practice." "That is more like a ukulele than a guitar." "Nope. It has six strings. Guitar." "Small" "But he could also levitate a large guitar. Maybe one wasn't available." "Well, you've got to start someplace." "Yes." - dbS - 


  Badminton, sketch by douglas brent smith, 1991 It is only a doodle. A quick sketch that started out as a space ship but somehow ended up looking like a badminton birdie. Still, I like it, so here it is. 

Angel Wall

  Angel Wall - sketch by douglas brent smith, 1991

Face In The Crowd

  Face In The Crowd - pen and marker drawing by douglas brent smith, 1989 At the buttom of the drawing you can see the effect of water on the paper. I feel lucky that my journals weren't more severely damaged or even burned completely up in the fire at Elm Street. I spent hours afterwards drying them out in the sun on a trampoline, carefully turning page by page and giving each page some drying time. This is from journal #26. I was up to journal #41 at the time. Fortunately, not all of them were drenched.  

Mineral Wealth

  Mineral Wealth - River Gold - drawing by douglas brent smith, 1989 This is an imaginary (so far) record album cover, drawn back when album covers still mattered, when they still helped to sell recordings, when they represented additional enjoyment for the music. I never had a band named Mineral Wealth, but I think it's a great name for a band and the name of the album, "River Gold" makes it seem like a greatest hits collection. Imagine that. Greatest Hits albums were far more important in 1989 than they are at the moment when streaming one song at a time is much more common. In a way, it's all one continuous "greatest hits" parade. The colors in this sketch were effected by water damage to the journal that occurred during the fire on Elm Street in 2008. A lot more than this whimsical picture was harmed in that fire. - dbS - 

Egg On A Walk At Koranda Palace

Egg On A Walk At Koranda Palace - mixed media sketch by douglas brent smith, 26 December 1987  

A Formal Evening

  A Formal Evening -- mixed media sketch by douglas brent smith

Your Face

 Your Face, sketch by douglas brent smith, 1983