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Showing posts from February, 2024

Time For Another Episode...

  "Time For Another Episode...Dream Collage 87" collage by douglas brent smith, 26 December 1987 It feels like winter has always been my most productive collage season. It started in college when I'd use much of my semester break drinking Dr. Pepper, eating hot dogs and baked beans, and making collages. The Dr. Pepper was yummy but destroyed one of my teeth and nearly destroyed them all. Switching to black coffee (oh, and brushing my teeth!) came to the rescue. I'm not sure why this collage has such a long title. I don't think there are 86 other "dream collages" sequenced in the catalogue. Clearly, it refers to the year in some amusing way. Here we see the casual disregard of an ominously dangerous insect-like critter -- headed for havoc. So often though, we can be oddly calm just before all trouble breaks loose. The gentleman in the lower left corner has an answer for you on the line, if you're willing to reverse the charges. - dbS -

The Eyes Have It

  Do you think that artists have their own personal favorites among the works that they create? While they are all our "babies" (not really, but there's the expression...) and we are usually pleased with the finished product, some sit better than others. I like this collage. I've used it in many contexts as a featured illustration because it makes me smile. Growing up, I remember when TV stations would leave the air at night and the last thing on the screen would be a test pattern. Sometimes it had (for some reason) a picture of a Native American in the pattern, and sometimes it didn't. This was, of course, before color TV.  I call this "The Eyes Have It". There may be other versions of it (maybe with more eyes) and there may not be. Things get lost, things get (gasp!) destroyed.  I hope you like it. I sure do. The Eyes Have It - collage by douglas brent smith, paper, magazine images, Elmer's Glue, 22 February 1988.

A Full Moon Wasn't The Half of It

  A Full Moon Wasn't The Half of It -- collage by douglas brent smith, 1986