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Third Plane In Collageland

 Third Plane In Collageland - collage by douglas brent smith, 1980

There Was Once A Door

  There Was Once A Door - sketch by douglas bent smith, 1979

Theodore Tudas Speaks on the Evils of Television

  Theodore Tudas Speaks on the Evils of Television -- collage by douglas brent smith

The Wind Brought Lips of Wonder


Heads or Tails?

  Heads or Tails? - sketch by douglas brent smith, 1982

The Wibbling Brothers Introduce TV

  The Wibbling Brothers Introduce TV - collage by douglas brent smith

The TV Repairman Has a Devious Plan

  The TV Repairman Has a Devious Plan - collage by douglas brent smith

The Space Within

  The Space Within - sketch by douglas brent smith Notes: Notice the Mustard Seed t-shirt. Those were fun days putting together Mustard Seed Theatre Company shows with Peter Hoff, Harry Isaacs, and Bob Bortolameotti. None of us had arms like the guy in this sketch.

The Sky With Eyes

  The Sky With Eyes - sketch by douglas brent smith "Did you know that Harry X. Tudas wrote a book?" "Of course. I always assumed that he's written several books." "Not as far as we know. But there are hints that he did write this one, although no copies have yet been discovered." "Well, there's a picture of one." "..." "It looks like a big book. Harry had a lot to say, I would guess that he had a lot to write." "We'd better look for the book." "I wouldn't know where to look...Chicago, Trenton, Bridgeton, Warminster, who knows?" "Paris...London...Berlin...Miami...Los Angeles..." "You're saying that Harry got around?" "Harry X. Tudas got around." Notes: Harry X. Tudas is a character from a play. I borrowed the name from an expression that my great grandmother Denges would say, "What in the name of Harry X. Tudas is going on?" Not sure where she got

The Road to the Horizon

 The Road to the Horizon - collage by douglas brent smith

The View from the Cizewski House

  The View from the Cizewski House - sketch by douglas brent smith

From Party to Party

  From Party to Party - sketch by douglas brent smith, 1982

The Train Ride From Champaign

  The Train Ride From Champaign - sketch by douglas brent smith

Out of Order

  Out of Order - sketch by douglas brent smith

Brushing the Page

 Brushing the Page - sketch by douglas brent smith