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Showing posts with the label collageman

The Inclination Super Highway Bears Right

  The Inclination Super Highway Bears Right -- collage by douglas brent smith

Nothing Orange In The Room

  Nothing Orange In The Room -- collage by douglas brent wsmith

Pressure Sensitive Purging Mechanisms

  Pressure Sensitive Purging Mechanisms

How to Create a 3D Picture In Your Head

  How to Create a 3D Picture In Your Head -- collage by douglas brent smith or, go with the alternate title if you like, something about a dream and little Mexico. We're here on this plane creating our little hearts out, in this case sometime in or near 1995.  "Draw a picture." "Why?" "I'd love to see it."

Arranging for Transportation

  Arranging for Transportation -- collage by douglas brent smith

This Is Not A Code

This Is Not A Code -- collage by douglas brent smith  

They Have Identified The Stranger

  They Have Identified The Stranger -- collage by douglas brent smith    "Is it finished?"   "Is anything ever finished?"   "Yes. Lou Grant. The TV show 'Lou Grant' is definitely finished."    "You can never be sure. There could be a remake."    "Are you going to remake this collage."    "Doubtful."    "Are you ever going to colorize it?"   "Also doubtful and yet also possible." "Oh."

After The Man With X-Ray Eyes Sees You

  After The Man With X-Ray Eyes Sees You -- collage by douglas brent smith

Hovercraft Seeking An Open House

  Hovercraft Seeking An Open House -- collage by douglas brent smith

Attention Paid to the Spiritual Side

 Attention Paid to the Spiritual Side -- collage by douglas brent smith I think I've used some of these images in other collages.  That happens, sometimes. The context changes the meaning and justifies the redundancy. Or, at least I think it does. I gave some thought to coloring this collage and decided against it. Maybe later, with time on my hands, I'll decide to color it. Probably not though because that process takes many hours and there is so much new work to do. This piece is from 1994. I was a completely differently person then and so were you (presuming that you were even alive then!) We're changing every day.  What color do you think that floor is? -- dbs -- 

Transporting The Message Keeper

  Transporting The Message Keeper -- collage by douglas brent smith

Examination of the Numbers People

  The Examination of the Numbers People -- collage by douglas brent smith

Spotted Off The Coast of Jersey

  Spotted Off The Coast of Jersey -- collage by douglas brent smith

Selecting Changes Using the Logical If

 Selecting Changes Using the Logical If - collage by douglas brent smith

Crashing The Space Camp

  Crashing The Space Camp - collage by douglas brent smith, 13 February 1994   

Read The Dictionary Upside Down

 Read The Dictionary Upside Down collage by douglas brent smith Notes: "Who do you mean to be upside down?" "You'll know." "Are YOU upside down or is the dictionary to be upside down and how am I going to read it that way?" "In a relative sense, it's all your choice." "I thought so. You don't know." "That's your choice, too." "Isn't that YOUR choice?" "Also true."

From Science to Love to Theology

  From Science to Love to Theology - collage by douglas brent smith

Detailed Altered View of the Map of the Territory

 Detailed Altered View of the Map of the Territory -- collag4e by douglas brent smith

Deconstructing The Early Projections

  Deconstructing The Early Projections -- collage by douglas brent smith, 1994

Are Dali and Stone Twins?

  Are Dali and Stone Twins? -- collage by douglas brent smith, 1989