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After The Man With X-Ray Eyes Sees You

  After The Man With X-Ray Eyes Sees You -- collage by douglas brent smith

Hovercraft Seeking An Open House

  Hovercraft Seeking An Open House -- collage by douglas brent smith

Dark Bus

  Dark Bus -- collage by douglas brent smith I've always liked VW Microbuses. For a short time I even owned one that I dubbed Queen after the boat in the movie "African Queen". It shared a similar need for constant maintenance. Occasionally, it would make every trip a journey of adventure. Still, I loved that little bus.  I made the bus in this collage too dark and could not figure out how to fix it. Sometimes dark is dark forever. I tried to lighten it up a bit with cartoon-like headlights. It's far from perfect.  

Attention Paid to the Spiritual Side

 Attention Paid to the Spiritual Side -- collage by douglas brent smith I think I've used some of these images in other collages.  That happens, sometimes. The context changes the meaning and justifies the redundancy. Or, at least I think it does. I gave some thought to coloring this collage and decided against it. Maybe later, with time on my hands, I'll decide to color it. Probably not though because that process takes many hours and there is so much new work to do. This piece is from 1994. I was a completely differently person then and so were you (presuming that you were even alive then!) We're changing every day.  What color do you think that floor is? -- dbs -- 

Transporting The Message Keeper

  Transporting The Message Keeper -- collage by douglas brent smith

Examination of the Numbers People

  The Examination of the Numbers People -- collage by douglas brent smith

Spotted Off The Coast of Jersey

  Spotted Off The Coast of Jersey -- collage by douglas brent smith

Selecting Changes Using the Logical If

 Selecting Changes Using the Logical If - collage by douglas brent smith

instant breakfast dreams

scrambled dreams    scattered schemes    ideas flashed on the mezzanine    the balcony's crowded with narrow scenes    colorful dreaming liquid sleep        poached eggs dreams    wet and fried    homage to the dreams that died    rules that flutter    into melted butter    dreams design    their own red line    fried dreams my dreams    your dreams ours    evening slips and then devours    sheets around us    lights dimmed black    shadowed visions    on our backs    your dream is my dream is our dream complete.    

Behind the Secret Door

 Behind the Secret Door (#2) Behind the Secret Door (#1) Notes: I think (hope) that #2 (the one above) is an improvement over #1 (which is the exact same picture except that in #2 I added some lines, drew over a few more, and shaded one area. 

Crashing The Space Camp

  Crashing The Space Camp - collage by douglas brent smith, 13 February 1994   

Busy Table

  Busy Table -- sketch / mixed media by douglas brent smith   

bizarre as you are

bizarre as you are    you know that it's true    not everyone caring    cares about you    bizarre as you wish    could you possibly be    like hair on a fish?    or gills on a tree?    how much of it's youth?    comparing the beauty    too tight yet too loose    impossible duty    bizarre as you are    absurd as can be    so highly abnormal    when done gracefully.    -- douglas brent smith  

Read The Dictionary Upside Down

 Read The Dictionary Upside Down collage by douglas brent smith Notes: "Who do you mean to be upside down?" "You'll know." "Are YOU upside down or is the dictionary to be upside down and how am I going to read it that way?" "In a relative sense, it's all your choice." "I thought so. You don't know." "That's your choice, too." "Isn't that YOUR choice?" "Also true."

zen touch

we touch upon the wheel's edge  admiring and yearning for the endless turning we speak about the zen of when the hollow meets the solid road but space unending ends unanswered the endless questions of the snow change the motion of our plans touch me with your steady hands. -- douglas brent smith

From Science to Love to Theology

  From Science to Love to Theology - collage by douglas brent smith

Dreaming of the Divine Machine

 Dreaming of the Divine Machine - sketch by douglas brent smith

Get a Grip

  Get a Grip -- photo/screenshot by douglas brent smith

Detailed Altered View of the Map of the Territory

 Detailed Altered View of the Map of the Territory -- collag4e by douglas brent smith

small not invisible

what i really hate is waiting twelve minutes for the bus and watching someone who's only waited one minute squeeze onto the bus ahead of the rest of us what i also hate is being the sixth person in line when they open a new line and the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth people get ahead of me small problems, yes still aggravating i guess like an endless trip a relentless drip stop! pause! stay here because: what i really love is knowing that i am loved and living in that love and with so much love what else matters? -- douglas brent smith 

Deconstructing The Early Projections

  Deconstructing The Early Projections -- collage by douglas brent smith, 1994

Are Dali and Stone Twins?

  Are Dali and Stone Twins? -- collage by douglas brent smith, 1989

A Little Place by the Lake

  A Little Place by the Lake -- collage by douglas brent smith

You Know When It's Cool

 You Know When It's Cool -- sketch by douglas brent smith, 24 August 1983

a truly eccentric person

the room changes they enter eyes turn heads turn new flows over flow a truly eccentric person looking perfectly normal now we rely on that until that ready - steady rock - solid presence presents change smiling at you: in on it lifting a secret door as we wonder how do they know? touching every single person in the room on the arm on the shoulder on the top of the head on the lips! opening the gates of possibility inevitably eccentric  

uncle grant

uncle grant -- can't can't chant pay now pay - for what we say uncle chuck - can't trust your luck tell us true - what do you do? what's the price? the thought is nice lift the lid? that's what we did sign right here - and here, and here grant three wishes - charity cheer freestyle lifestyle paid with tax scoop the art until it cracks uncle grant grant us one wish serve it up nonprofit dish we will write your favorite book paint your piece a proper look film the scene that lights you up fill the ever empty cup uncle grant let's find the spin show us how to cash it in. -- douglas brent smith  

You Are Here

 You Are Here -- collage by douglas brent smith

Transactions Along The Path

 Transactions Along The Path - collage by douglas brent smith

This Won't Hurt A Bit

  This Won't Hurt A Bit -- collage by douglas brent smith

The Symbol Is Not The Map of the Territory

  The Symbol Is Not The Map of the Territory -- collage by douglas brent smith

The 100% Game Process

 The 100% Game Process -- collage by douglas brent smith

Science Had An Answer

  Science Had An Answer -- collage by douglas brent smith

Reactions to the Face On Mars

Reactions to the Face On Mars -- collage by douglas brent smith.      It seemed like a revelation, a sign. Pictures taken of the surface of mars seemed to show a face. Could this mean that there was an intelligent civilization there once upon a time? Many years later, when our cameras produced much higher resolution images we saw that it wasn't really a face at all. It's just something that people do -- we see faces everywhere. We anthropomorphize wildly.  Well, the illusion was fun while it lasted. And it lasted long enough to be on my mind when I made this collage in 1993.

Random 1992 Sketches

  Random 1992 Sketches -- douglas brent smith

Please Let Me Know When You Are Free

  Please Let Me Know When You Are Free -- collage by douglas brent smith

Kids Outgrow Things

  Kids Outgrow Things -- collage by douglas brent smith

Big Boy With A View

  Big Boy With A View -- collage by douglas brent smith and christopher morgan smith, 1992

Constructing a Better Setting

  Constructing a Better Setting -- collage by douglas brent smith, 30 December 1992

On The Job Training

 On The Job Training - collage by douglas brent smith

Not Those Hats

  Not Those Hats - collage by douglas brent smith

Love One Another

  Love One Another -- collage by douglas brent smith, 17 March 1993

More Than One Set Of Books

  More Than One Set Of Books -- collage by douglas brent smith

Improving The Quality of Life

  Improving The Quality of Life -- collage by douglas brent smith      Can you spot the details added in 2024? Improving The Quality of Life -- collage by douglas brent smith (original 1992 version).

Glued Lightly...

  Glued Lightly, Held Tightly, Danced Nightly -- collage by douglas brent smith    

Globe Sequence

  Globe Sequence - collage by douglas brent smith     

Getting Away From (most of) It All

  Getting Away From (most of) It All -- collage by douglas brent smith.     

Feast or Fedora?

Feast or Fedora? collage by douglas brent smith.                         NOTES:           Not sure that this is finished. Maybe it needs color. Maybe some more drawing. For now, it is a collage with much more text than usual. It's of a time so long ago for me now that I think I'll just let it be. It's a page from a journal with a bit of beat sensibility baked in. Or burnt.  Here, at least. You never can tell when that will change...

Family Reunion

  Family Reunion -- collage by douglas brent smith

Distances, Lines, Dreams

  Distances, Lines, Dreams - collage by douglas brent smith

Control Surge

  Control Surge -- collage by douglas brent smith

Contemplating the Case for Control

  Contemplating the Case for Control -- collage by douglas brent smith NOTES: I made so many of these black & white, copy-machine preserved collages which developed a moment here, a moment there, adding or drawing snatches of things that grabbed my attention while I was doing other things. When Collageman's mind wanders, where else would you expect it to go? I did turn many of these (and entire three-ring binder full) into color collages using markers. When did I ever find the time for that? The coloring happened at home, listening to music, watching idle hours in the days before the internet stole our brains. Different times, indeed.

Challenging Gravity on Four Different Planes

  Challenging Gravity on Four Different Planes -- collage by douglas brent smith, 26 December 1992. It wasn't easy being a scientists and working with bears was no picnic. Well, it could be a picnic for the bears because they insisted on being paid in food. Getting them to defy gravity kept the scientist busy. It got easier when they discovered a secret plane in plain sight. It made hovering a darn site easier.

Browsing Past The Built In Bias

Browsing Past The Built In Bias -- collage by douglas brent smith Paper and glue using pictures from magazines.  I always enjoyed seeing an illustration in a text book that had a caption that declared "Not to scale." Of course it's not to scale, it's in a book. Or it's in a magazine. This illustration of course IS to scale, if you're using a scale from the Irregular Catalogue.  Doesn't it look hot in those hazmat suits?