Dark Bus -- collage by douglas brent smith I've always liked VW Microbuses. For a short time I even owned one that I dubbed Queen after the boat in the movie "African Queen". It shared a similar need for constant maintenance. Occasionally, it would make every trip a journey of adventure. Still, I loved that little bus. I made the bus in this collage too dark and could not figure out how to fix it. Sometimes dark is dark forever. I tried to lighten it up a bit with cartoon-like headlights. It's far from perfect.
Attention Paid to the Spiritual Side -- collage by douglas brent smith I think I've used some of these images in other collages. That happens, sometimes. The context changes the meaning and justifies the redundancy. Or, at least I think it does. I gave some thought to coloring this collage and decided against it. Maybe later, with time on my hands, I'll decide to color it. Probably not though because that process takes many hours and there is so much new work to do. This piece is from 1994. I was a completely differently person then and so were you (presuming that you were even alive then!) We're changing every day. What color do you think that floor is? -- dbs --